Aton, one of a kind. ATON refers to "A to N", the beginning and end of the Japanese alphabet. From design to production and from raw materials to finishing, ATON is a brand made with great care and in detail, heavily involved in each stage of production. ATON garments are simple, comfortable, and beautiful - achieved by extensive research and understanding of carefully chosen fabrics and their characteristics and benefits.
Aton, one of a kind. ATON refers to "A to N", the beginning and end of the Japanese alphabet. From design to production and from raw materials to finishing, ATON is a brand made with great care and in detail, heavily involved in each stage of production. ATON garments are simple, comfortable, and beautiful - achieved by extensive research and understanding of carefully chosen fabrics and their characteristics and benefits.
Aton, one of a kind. ATON refers to "A to N", the beginning and end of the Japanese alphabet. From design to production and from raw materials to finishing, ATON is a brand made with great care and in detail, heavily involved in each stage of production. ATON garments are simple, comfortable, and beautiful - achieved by extensive research and understanding of carefully chosen fabrics and their characteristics and benefits.